When i see these being release, am thinking to myself.. OMG!! the names!. Yes, they are called DISTORTION ANDROID and for those whom know what is it at a glance its DEVASTATOR from the movie TRANSFORMERS : The return of the Fallen.
This set of KO (Knock off) Devastator set is exactly like the original release, good quality plastic with almost similar paint job detail. Selling in set of 9, when you only need 7 to combined and form Devastator and the 2 extra is just extra.
This set of KO (Knock off) Devastator set is exactly like the original release, good quality plastic with almost similar paint job detail. Selling in set of 9, when you only need 7 to combined and form Devastator and the 2 extra is just extra.

As you can see from the packaging, there is no instruction manual included, just photo of what it will become. Straightly not for them whom do not know anything about The Transformers.

It is available for sale and cost RM45 a set of 9 pieces as shown above, to those that is interested can let me know by leaving your contact in the comment. Sorry no postage as the card back is HUGE! Cheers